About IVRHA's Second Annual
VR and Healthcare Hackathon:

We're excited to be holding our second annual hackathon again in partnership with Ringling College of Art & Design in Sarasota, Florida during the weekend of Jan. 24-26, 2025.

Through a rolling application review process, we are inviting up to (25) universities to each send a team of (3) students (undergrad and graduate) to participate.

As well, we are inviting (25) developers and (25) healthcare practitioners to attend and participate.

A maximum of (25) Teams will be organized between each university's team of students and matched with (1) developer and (1) healthcare practitioner resulting in (25) teams of five participants each.

Have more questions?

Please refer to the FAQ farther down.

Hackathon Application Form

Hackathon Application
Hackathon Application:
Please select your role within the university:
Undergraduate Year:
Graduate Year:


Q. Where exactly will the hackathon take place?

A. In the exhibition hall at Ringling School of Art & Design.

Q. What are the exact hours of the hackathon?

A. The hackathon will start at 6:00pm on Friday evening, January 24th, 2025, and will end at 3:00pm on Sunday, January 26th, 2025.

Q. What's the purpose of the hackathon?

A. The main goal of the hackathon is to help introduce students to the future opportunities that immersive technologies brings to the healthcare field. The other main goal is to meet new people, learn and have fun.

Q. I've never participated in a hackathon before. Do I need to know what i'm doing?

A. You just need to have an open mind and be comfortable with experimenting, developing ideas, and learning from each of your teammates.

Q. Will the hackathon cover the cost of travel and food?

A. The hackathon will not be able to cover the cost of travel and hotel to participate. We will provide food, drinks and snacks for the entire weekend.

Q. What needs to be completed by the end of the hackathon?

A. Though there is not a hard requirement to have anything formal at the end of the hackathon, if teams want to compete for bragging rights and potential prizes, then a presentation of your idea/product needs to be made in front of the judges on Sunday afternoon at 12pm Noon.

Q. Besides the presentation, do we need to have a working prototype?

A. No, a working prototype is not required, but whatever demonstration, wireframes, etc. you can make as part of your presentation can usually help to make your presentation stronger. It's up to you as a team to decide what to present.

Q. Do we need to know what we want to build during the hackathon?

A. No. In fact, we encourage teams and individuals to come to the hackathon with an open mind, and to decide as a team what to build after meeting each other, and discussing different ideas and interests.

Contact Information

If you have questions about tickets, sponsorship or anything else related to the event, please feel free to email us at support@ivrha.org or call us at +1-202-684-6207.


The International Virtual Reality and Healthcare Association (IVRHA) is a member driven organization comprised of entities throughout the healthcare ecosystem, including technology companies, teaching hospitals and universities, as well as healthcare providers and insurance companies. IVRHA’s mission is to facilitate and support the growth of the virtual reality in health and life sciences. Visit: https://ivrha.org/

COVID-19 Statement

The tour will follow local guidelines as stipulated by the city of Sarasota, Florida as it relates to the management of COVID-19.

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